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Category Exception Description Action Severity
Oracle Failed to connect to the source database Failed to connect to the source database “{0}” because the credentials are invalid. Update the source config with the correct credentials.
Oracle Failed to connect to the source database Connection to database “{0}” with OS credentials failed. Make sure that the OS user “{1}” can connect to the database using bequeath (e.g. sqlplus)
or use the edit button on the source config to add the database credentials to connect to the database using
the database user.
Oracle LogSync failed to connect to remote database Cannot connect to database: {1}
Oracle LogSync failed to connect to remote host Cannot connect to host {2}: {1}
Oracle linkedsource.incomplete.tempfile.title= Standby controlfile specifies temporary datafiles by ASM diskgroup only
({0}) for database “{1}”.
If standby database does not use “{0}” diskgroup, the standby database will
not open without providing the names of the temporary datafiles. Establish tempfile fullnames using RMAN’s
Oracle LogSync archive log sequence conflict The last archived log fetched by LogSync from “{0}” has a higher sequence number
than the last archived log on the source. The sequence number of the last log fetched is: “{1}”. The sequence number
of the last archived log is: “{2}”. The database may have been restored to a previous time without resetting the
Unlink or delete the dSource and create a new dSource.
Oracle NOLOGGING operation occurred after the last snapshot NOLOGGING operation(s) occurred on database “{0}” between SCNs
{1} and {2}. Running queries against a VDB provisioned from this snapshot could result in Oracle corruption
errors ORA-01578 and ORA-26040.
Start another sync operation to create a new snapshot.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{1}” of database “{0}” cannot be provisioned. Delphix
could not fetch all the logs needed to provision from the snapshot.
Use the GUI Snapshot repair tool or the CLI TimeFlow Log Fetch command
to retrieve the logs. The logs can only be retrieved from a non-ASM location.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{1}” of database “{0}” cannot be provisioned.
The snapshot requires log(s) between SCN {2} and SCN {3} that have been deleted on the source database.
If the logs can be restored use the GUI Snapshot repair tool
or the CLI TimeFlow Log Fetch command to retrieve the logs. The logs can only be retrieved from a non-ASM location.
Otherwise make sure that the source database archive log deletion policy will not delete the current archived logs
during the duration of a snapshot and take another snapshot.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{2}” of database “{0}” cannot be
provisioned. The source Oracle pluggable database “{0}” is open read-only and redo from the current online log of
multitenant container database “{1}” may be needed to provision from the snapshot.
Force a log switch on “{1}” or wait for the log to be
archived and LogSync to fetch the log from “{1}”. The CLI TimeFlow Log List command can be used to see which
logs LogSync has fetched and which are missing.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{1}” of database “{0}” cannot be provisioned.
The source database is in Real Time Apply mode and redo from the current online log on the primary may be needed in
order to provision from the snapshot.
Force a log switch on the primary or wait for the log to be archived
and LogSync to fetch the log from the source. The CLI TimeFlow Log List command can be used to see which logs LogSync
has fetched and which are missing.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{1}” of database “{0}” cannot be
provisioned because LogSync is still fetching the logs needed for the snapshot.
Wait for LogSync to fetch the logs. The CLI TimeFlow Log
List command can be used to see which logs LogSync has fetched and which are missing.
Oracle Cannot provision a database from a portion of TimeFlow Database “{0}” TimeFlow “{1}” has missing logs. Portions of the
TimeFlow are unprovisionable.
Use the GUI Snapshot repair tool or the CLI TimeFlow Log Fetch command
to retrieve the missing logs. The logs can only be retrieved from a non-ASM location.
Oracle Cannot provision a database from a portion of TimeFlow Database “{0}” TimeFlow “{1}” is missing log
sequence {2}.{3} because LogSync failed to fetch it more than {4} times.
Use the CLI TimeFlow Log Fetch command to retrieve the
missing log. The log can only be retrieved from a non-ASM location.
Oracle Cannot provision a database from a portion of TimeFlow Database “{0}” TimeFlow “{1}” has missing logs because
SnapSync forced archive logs “{2}” to be skipped to make progress on a snapshot. Portions of the TimeFlow are
Use the CLI TimeFlow Log Fetch command to retrieve the
missing logs. The logs can only be retrieved from a non-ASM location.
Oracle The resetlogs ID of the source database changed The resetlogs ID of the source database “{0}” has changed from “{1}” to
“{2}”. This may be due to point-in-time recovery or flashback.
Take a new snapshot of the dSource. The next manual or policy-based SnapSync
will restart LogSync. The SnapSync will also create a new Delphix TimeFlow and take a full backup of the database.
Because the SnapSync takes a full backup it will likely take longer to complete than the normal incremental SnapSync.
Running the SnapSync manually will prevent a policy timeout of the job. Because of the way the Delphix Engine handles
duplicate blocks, the full backup is likely to have a storage requirement closer to an incremental backup than a full
Oracle The resetlogs ID of the source multitenant container database changed The resetlogs ID of the source multitenant container database “{0}”
has changed from “{1}” to “{2}”. This may be due to point-in-time recovery or flashback.
Take a new snapshot of a pluggable database linked from multitenant
container database “{0}”. The next manual or policy-based SnapSync of a pluggable database linked from “{0}” will
restart LogSync. A new snapshot should also be taken for each pluggable database linked from “{0}” to prevent loss of
TimeFlow for the pluggable database. The next manual or policy-based SnapSync for the pluggable database will create
a new Delphix TimeFlow and take a full backup of the database. Because the SnapSync takes a full backup it will likely
take longer to complete than the normal incremental SnapSync. Running the SnapSync manually will prevent a policy
timeout of the job. Because of the way the Delphix Engine handles duplicate blocks, the full backup is likely to have
a storage requirement closer to an incremental backup than a full backup.
Oracle Cannot read archived log due to failure of log shipping script LogSync of database “{0}” failed executing shipping script “{1}” on
host “{2}” with following error: n{3}
This can happen due to a LogSync client timeout when shipping online redo logs
from database “{0}” on host “{2}” to Delphix. One possible cause of the timeout is a slow or unstable
network connection between the Delphix Engine and host “{2}”. Performance issues (high CPU utilization,
high memory usage, or high I/O latency) on the Delphix Engine can also cause the timeout.
Check the network and the Delphix Engine for performance or stability issues.
Review the error for any other possible causes, contact Delphix support if needed.
Oracle SnapSync failed Latest SnapSync of database “{0}” failed: {1}. {2}
Oracle SnapSync failed with fatal error SnapSync of database “{0}” failed due to an internal error. Contact Delphix support.
Oracle Missing synonyms Database user {0} does not have synonyms “{1}” that are needed to access required tables or views. Run script in the toolkit’s hostchecker directory to recreate your database user.
Use this database user to connect to the database again.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{1}” of database “{0}” cannot be provisioned. Delphix could not
fetch all the logs from multitenant container database “{2}” needed to provision from the snapshot.
Use the GUI Snapshot repair tool or the CLI TimeFlow Log Fetch command to
retrieve the logs. The logs can only be retrieved from a non-ASM location.
Oracle Cannot provision database from snapshot Snapshot “{1}” of database “{0}” cannot be
provisioned because LogSync is still fetching the logs from mulitenant container database “{2}” needed for the snapshot.
Wait for LogSync to fetch the logs. The CLI TimeFlow Log
List command can be used to see which logs LogSync has fetched and which are missing.