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MS SQL Staging DB

Category Exception Description Action
MS SQL For dSource “{0}”, failed to read the backup header at position
“{1}” in backup file “{2}” using the RESTORE HEADERONLY command.
Make sure a valid backup file is present at the backup location, the instance owner
“{3}” has permissions to read the backup file and inspect the backup headers with the RESTORE HEADERONLY command for
correctness and try the operation again.
MS SQL exception.db.mssqlstagingdb.filestream.merge.process.failed For dSource “{0}”, merging filestream files failed while restoring
filestream database.
Resolve the error and run sync again. If the error continues, contact Delphix
MS SQL For dSource “{0}”, failed to read the backup header at position
“{1}” in backup file “{2}” using Litespeed procedure xp_restore_headeronly.
Make sure a valid backup file is present at the backup location, the instance
owner “{3}” has permissions to read the backup file and inspect the backup headers with LiteSpeed procedure
xp_restore_headeronly for correctness and try the operation again.
MS SQL For dSource “{0}”, failed to read the backup header in file “{1}” using
Red Gate SQL Backup Pro’s stored procedure master.dbo.sqlbackup.
Make sure a valid backup file is present at the backup location, the instance owner
“{2}” has permissions to read the backup file and inspect the backup headers with SQL Backup Pro’s stored procedure
for correctness and try the operation again.
MS SQL exception.db.mssqlstagingdb.stagingdb.attach.failed For dSource “{0}”, failed to attach the staging database “{1}”: Review the errors and try again. If the problem persists, contact Delphix Support.
MS SQL exception.db.mssqlstagingdb.stagingdb.backup.restore.failed For dSource “{0}”, failed to restore a source database backup. Make sure that the SQL Server instance “{1}” on the staging host “{2}” is up,
the user “{3}” has privileges to restore a database on the host, the host has enough resources, and then try the
operation again.
MS SQL exception.db.mssqlstagingdb.stagingdb.invalid.backup_position For dSource “{0}”, failed to find a backup at position “{1}” in backup
file “{2}”
Make sure the required backup file is present at the backup location and has
not been overwritten.